We have so much to be grateful for—family, friends, plenty, opportunity, and liberty unequalled at any time in our history. Thanksgiving is a chance to pause, together with people that we love, and to notice how blessed we truly are. Prayers of gratitude are very appropriate at this time
1) Starting the meal with “Motzi” and ending with “Birkat HaMazon” (either the full or an abbreviated version) reminds us that the food in front of us is a gift to be savored, rather than just inhaled. These prayers also call our attention to the painful truth that food is not yet a blessing equally enjoyed by all people and reminds us that we share the responsibility to make sure that in this world of bounty, no one should go hungry.
2) While there is no traditional liturgy for the Thanksgiving meal, noted author and teacher Rabbi Naomi Levy has composed a truly beautiful prayer for the holiday table in her book, Talking to God:
A Prayer for the Thanksgiving Feast
by Rabbi Naomi Levy
For the laughter of the children, for my own life breath, for the abundance of food on this table, for the ones who prepared this sumptuous feast, for the roof over our heads, the clothes on our backs, for our health, and our wealth of blessings. For this opportunity to celebrate with family and friends, for the freedom to pray these words without fear, in any language, in any faith, in this great country, whose landscape is as vast and beautiful as her inhabitants. Thank You, God, for giving us all these.
3) The final and most important way to bring prayer to your Thanksgiving celebration is by opening your heart and offering your own words of gratitude. Consider going around the table and asking each person to complete this sentence:
“Modim anachnu lach, God I am so grateful for…”
Keep it simple, make sure to include even the smallest kids, and if the Hebrew might be an obstacle for anyone, skip it. The important part is to give each person the opportunity to find what they are truly grateful for and to share their blessings with one another and with God. These are the prayers that ascend straight to Heaven.
Wishing you a joyful Thanksgiving and a year of blessings!