Israel is Under AttackPosted on 03/13/2012 by Gila Rose in Israel
As a Jewish/Israeli blogger, I feel compelled to add my voice to the frantic pleas of the Jewish blogosphere:Don’t listen to them! Here’s what’s really going on!By “them,” I am...
Beren's Big WinPosted on 03/05/2012 by Gila Rose in News & Updates
At the beginning of last week, the Robert M. Beren Academy basketball players were probably imagining themselves in the local papers after winning the state championship, played this past weekend.The Houston...
Three Pluses and a Wish for PurimPosted on 02/26/2012 by Gila Rose in Holidays
During my teaching days, I used to end the year with an assignment called “Three Pluses and a Wish.” My students had to write three things they enjoyed about the year (besides recess) and one thing...
Baruch Dayan HaemetPosted on 02/13/2012 by Gila Rose in Beliefs and Practices
In the non-Jewish world, when one hears of a death, the normal response is, “I’m so sorry for your loss.” We strive to convey sympathy and empathy to the bereaved. In Judaism, however, when...
The Miracle of Tu B'ShvatPosted on 02/05/2012 by Gila Rose in Holidays
This week we celebrate the holiday of Tu B’Shvat, the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shvat. Other than acting as a warning bell for Jewish mothers everywhere that Pesach is a mere two months away, it is...
Charitable ThoughtsPosted on 01/30/2012 by Gila Rose in Beliefs and Practices
Mitt Romney is very rich. This is well known. He also gives a staggering amount of charity. In 2010 and 2011, he donated $7 million to charity, or around 16 percent of his income. Mormons are supposed to...
It's Not All Bad!Posted on 01/23/2012 by Gila Rose in Beliefs and Practices
The news Out There is pretty grim. Religious extremism, threats of nuclear attacks from (and against) Iran, bad economy, sicknesses, a Democratic president that people are feeling kind of “meh”...
Watch Your Language!Posted on 01/19/2012 by Gila Rose in News & Updates
So, following a few weeks where we didn’t hear much about the Spittin’ Haredim of Beit Shemesh, they are back in the news. A Channel 2 news story in Israel gave a face to the little girls of the...
[Untitled]; Or, Ramblings About JudaismPosted on 01/17/2012 by Gila Rose in Beliefs and Practices
I have no idea what to call this post. I thought of it late at night, as I was drifting off to Dreamland. That is, of course, when I get ideas—right on the precipice of consciousness, so that I usually...
An Aliyah StoryPosted on 01/01/2012 by Gila Rose in Israel
When you ask olim (immigrants to Israel) what they miss the most about the country they left, the answer will almost always be “family.” (Though “Target” is a close second.) Putting an...